East Midlands
Upcoming branch event
Upcoming branch event
Date: Tuesday 27 April 2021
Venue: Webinar
Time: 6:30pm - 7:30pm BST
CPD: 1 hour
Price: Free
The Charity Governance Code is a tool to help charities and their trustees develop high standards of governance however it is not mandatory – therefore charities have a choice whether to use it or not. This event will explore that choice in more depth.
Panelists from the East Midlands branch area will discuss the changes and implications of the Revised Governance Code discussing the relevance for local charities large and small, the practical steps that any charity would need to take to adopt and implement the code and debating whether or not the Code ought in fact to be a legal requirement of Charities.
Our Speakers for this event will be:
We look forward to seeing you there.