Irish Region
Read the Funds Industry update in the Irish Agenda on Re-Engineered ILP Ready for Launch
Read the Funds Industry update in the Irish Agenda on Re-Engineered ILP Ready for Launch
Ireland's Investment Limited Partnership (ILP) has undergone a significant overhaul to enhance its features in line with limited partnership fund regimes internationally. The Investment Limited Partnership (Amendment) Bill (Bill), a reform bill to the Investment Limited Partnerships Act 1994, passed through the Dáil this week and can be expected to be enacted in early January 2021.
The ILP will be a welcome addition to the fund structuring options for private fund sponsors looking to fundraise in the EU and beyond, and which compares well to alternatives elsewhere in the EU.
The reforms under the Bill introduce several key enhancements to the ILP:
An ILP must be authorised by the Central Bank, as either a retail AIF or as a qualifying investor AIF (“QIAIF”). The Central Bank is shortly introducing several helpful reforms to its AIF Rulebook to accommodate the classic elements of private funds. These include measures around differentiation of participation interests, stage investing, distribution waterfalls, carried interest and excuse/exclude provisions. In addition, the general partner of an ILP no longer needs to be specifically authorised or capitalised, but its directors will need to be approved as fit and proper by the Central Bank.
The conclusion of the ILP reform process should make the ILP an attractive option for private fund sponsors who are seeking to establish an investment fund in the EU with access to the AIFMD marketing passport.