The Chartered Governance Institute UK & Ireland - Irish Region - Technology

Irish Region

The latest news pertaining to technology in Ireland.


Preparations for Domestic Implementation of the AI Act

Preparations for Domestic Implementation of the AI Act

18 June 2024

On 21 May 2024, the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment launched a consultation on the domestic implementation of the EU Artificial Intelligence Act (the “AI Act”). The consultation is intended to inform Ireland’s approach to implementing the AI Act, particularly in relation to the configuration of national competent authorities required for implementation. Read more

The AI Office – What You Need To Know

The AI Office – What You Need To Know

21 February 2024

The AI Office will implement the future AI Act at EU level and it should become a central coordination body for AI policy at EU level and cooperate with other Commission departments, EU bodies, Member States and the stakeholder community. Read more

The Digital Service Act: Overview and Key Obligations

The Digital Service Act: Overview and Key Obligations

01 February 2024

On 17 February 2024, the Digital Services Act (the "DSA") comes into full force, requiring all intermediary service providers to consider what action they need to take in order to comply with its terms. Read more

Major Developments in EU's Regulatory Landscape

Major Developments in EU's Regulatory Landscape

30 June 2023

On 11 May 2023 the latest compromise text of the AI Act was voted on by the leading parliamentary committees of the European Parliament. Read more

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