ICSA Ireland

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Data Protection Commissioner to Address CPD Event

21 January 2014

The Commissioner will provide an overview on current and developing trends in the area of data protection and this timely update comes as data security breaches continue to make headline news. This event qualifies for 1 hour formal CPD.

The Institute has received feedback from members that they would value a programme of formal CPD events. It is important that this event is supported by ICSA members as turnout will determine the extent to which future CPD events can be held

Event Details:

Date:                     Tuesday, 18th February 2014.

Time:                     Light Breakfast from 8am – presentation will start at 8.30am and finish at 9.30am.

Cost:                      This is no charge for this event (admission is sponsored by KPMG).

Location:              KPMG, 1 Stokes Place, St Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2.


To confirm your attendance please email Nadine Conlon at: nconlon@lkshields.ie or telephone 01-6385892 if you have any questions.

Update: 04/02/2014: This event is fully subscribed and now closed for bookings.