Taking minutes of meetings is administrative good practice. It creates a record of what has been agreed, why and by whom; and of what is to be done, by when and by whom. But it is more than that. As the definitive record of its highest decision-making body, minutes are a key part of the collective history of an organisation. For all these reasons, it is crucial that the quality of those minutes is of the highest standard.
However, there is no one-size fits all solution. Minutes are as individual as the board to which they relate but decisions as to format, style and content should be taken from a position of knowledge of the law and of regulatory and market practice.
The ICSA has developed minute taking guidance through a series of discussions with experienced minute takers, from both corporate and not-for-profit sectors and of the responses to their consultation last year. It provides an up-to-date assessment of market practice and of some of the pitfalls that can face those taking minutes of meetings.
Aimed at company secretaries and other professionals supporting a board of directors, this event encouraged a proactive approach to minute taking, and anyone frequently find themselves called upon to take minutes, with little guidance on how they are expected to produce an accurate record of what took place. Ambiguous agreements, a vague agenda, interruptions, and a poor chairperson are just some of areas that this event can help with.
The CPD event presented an overview from the ICSA perspective in conjunction with a panel of speakers from industry, practice and plc’s will provide insights into their experiences.
Speakers on the morning:
View the presentation slides here:
Date: Tuesday 12 December 2017
The ICSA Irish Region are very grateful to Nathan Trust for sponsoring and hosting this event, our first to be held in Cork.