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Charities (Protection and Social Investment) Act 2016 Conference

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As a result of a number of recent charity scandals around fundraising controls, ineffective governance and financial failure, the need to restore the public’s trust in the sector is more urgent than ever. With the Charities (Protection and Social Investment) Act 2016 gaining royal assent in March, now is the time for charities to not only review their preparedness for the new regulations but also explore the potential governance implications within their organisations.

This one day conference, designed exclusively for the charity sector, targeted the key areas of the Act: charities’ powers to make social investments; how to embed further controls on fundraising and; the expansion of disqualification criteria for trustees.


TimeWhat's on
09:30 Registration and tea/coffee
10.00 Chair's opening remarks
Louise Thompson FCIS,
Head of Policy (NFP), ICSA
10.10 Keynote address
The Baroness Pitkeathley OBE
Chair of the House of Lords Select Committee on Charities
10.30 Social investments overview
The Act creates a new statutory social investment power which strengthens the ability of charities to invest to advance their objects whilst seeking a financial return. In this session, we take a look at what the law says in context and discuss what this means for your organisation's governance.
Luke Fletcher, Partner and Head of Social Finance, Bates Wells Braithwaite
11.00 Evaluating charity governance: learning from failure
Following a number of high profile charity failures in the summer of 2015, we take a look back at what went wrong. Using real-world case studies, delegates will be taken through different scenarios to assess how the decisions made could have been different and understand the impact on the organisations’ reputation.
Kirsty Semple, Director, Semple Associates Ltd
11.45 Networking tea and coffee break
12.15 Panel discussion: trustees and disqualification
More people could be automatically disqualified from acting as charity trustees. With a comprehensive list of disqualification criteria which includes the potential to bring the sector into disrepute, it is more important than ever for trustees to be aware of their duties under the new Act. In this session our panel will explore concerns arising from the Act including the vetting procedure, self-certification and automatic disqualification.
Chair: Cecile Gillard, Legal Manager, Charities and Civil Society, Burton Sweet
Sir Stuart Etherington, Chief Executive, NCVO
Ruth Lesirge, Chair, Association of Chairs
Nick Mott, Head of Policy Development, Guidance & Review, Charity Commission
13.15 Networking lunch
14.15 Fundraising regulation update
The new Fundraising Regulator was established in January 2016 in response to concerns relating to how charities were contacting potential donors. Tasked with ensuring accountability and transparency in fundraising, we take a look at what the regulator is up to.
Stephen Dunmore,
Chief Executive, Fundraising Regulator
14.45 Fundraising agreements and gathering information
The death of pensioner Olive Cooke shone a spotlight on the sector’s inadequacies in fundraising practice. So how are charities preparing to comply with new rules on commercial partnerships, annual reporting obligations and the requirements around protecting vulnerable persons? Here we gain a practitioner’s perspective on how to approach the new requirements and what good practice might look like moving forward.
Daniel Fluskey, Head of Policy and Research, Institute of Fundraising
15.30 The Charities (Protection and Social Investment) Act 2016: an assessment
Has an opportunity been missed to refresh the charity regulatory framework? Professor Gareth Morgan has a career spanning more than 25 years focusing on the voluntary and community sector in the UK. In this session he considers some of the new powers which the Act gives to the Charity Commission but also asks whether wider changes in charity regulation were needed. 
Gareth Morgan, Charity Consultant, The Kubernesis Partnership LLP and Emeritus Professor of Charity Studies, Sheffield Hallam University
16.00 Final remarks and close of conference





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