Colleen Theron
Colleen Theron Director
Ardea International
Colleen is a tri-qualified solicitor and founder of Ardea International, a specialist company that provides sustainability, business and human rights and modern slavery expertise to enable companies to meet both their legal obligations and develop voluntary best practice standards. She is a fellow of IEMA and a research fellow of the Bakhita Centre for Research on Slavery and Abuse and a lecturer at Birkbeck University, London on human rights and business.
She has over 30 years of legal and commercial experience of working with business, organisations and NGOs across sectors and provides training and online resources on human rights, modern slavery and sustainability issues. Her book ‘Strategic Sustainable Procurement: law and best practice' is published by Routledge. She recently published a chapter ‘Modern Slavery and Transparency in Supply Chains- the Role of Business’ In The Modern Slavery Agenda: Policy, Politics and Practice in the UK’.
She has spoken widely on the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, modern slavery, and sustainable business... She sits on the advisory board for LexisPSL Environment, is a committee member of the Social Responsbility Alliance and is an independent member of the APSCA Disciplinary Board for Member Firms. She is nominated as one of the Top 100 Corporate Modern slavery influencers in the UK in 2018.
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+44 (0)20 7612 7034.