Black and Callow

Originally established 125 years ago, Black&Callow is one of the leading global financial printing and communications companies.
Our vision is to be the premium provider of financial printing services, by being the most customer-focused and delivering a world-class service. To make this happen we joined the Institute of Customer Service and every member of our team is now accredited. To achieve the ServiceMark award we canvassed a broad cross-section of our clients and are proud to have exceeded the ICS’s ‘World Class Service’ benchmark of 80%
We’ve also focused on building bespoke technology to ensure we remain at the forefront of meeting regulatory requirements, such as providing the most user-friendly, guaranteed Listing Authority and Stock Exchange-compliant blacklined and comparison files. We have bolstered our secure in-house typesetting capacity to ensure we continue to provide an unrivalled service for speed, confidentiality, flexibility and control. This capacity means we can undertake and succeed at even the most demanding tasks because we have built-in contingency in every area of our business.
+44 (0)20 3794 1720

Mobile App informationWe are excited to announce that we will have a conference app available. In order to access it you will need to first click on the respective Apple store or Google Play:
Apple:• Google Play:
1. Once in Apple Apps Store or Google Play, search for CGIUKI Governance Events2. Install & Open3. Go to the ‘Find Guides’ tab of the app (normally located at the bottom right-hand corner)4. Tap the 'HAVE A PASSPHRASE?' button5. Type governance2022 passphrase and continue6. The guide should then pop up and let you download and open it!

Join us

We are looking forward to welcoming you to the 2022 Annual Conference.

Be sure to mark your calendar and join us on 5 and 6 July 2022.

If you need any help, please contact us at:

[email protected].