
What We Do

For over 25 years, Lumi has been facilitating shareholder and member meetings, legislative meetings and elections, faith-based meetings and annual congresses, as well as meetings and events more generally.

Annual General Meetings

Lumi is the power behind many of the world’s shareholder meetings, streamlining the voting process and transforming traditional AGMs. Whether your shareholders are participating in the room or remotely from anywhere in the world, the Lumi technology provides a seamless, end-to-end experience.

Member Meetings

Whether you are an association, sporting federation, faith-based group, trade body, professional association, or not-for-profit organization, Lumi brings all your members together on one sophisticated platform to maximize engagement with your membership.

Why Use Lumi

  • Trusted Technology, Unparalleled Experience
  • Evolve your annual meeting with secure, authenticated login, real-time live polling, and managed Q&A, whether your participants are in the room or online
  • Digitize your annual general meeting to increase engagement, streamline the voting process, and improve transparency
  • Trusted by world-leading organizations across the globe

Join us

We are looking forward to welcoming you to the 2022 Annual Conference.

Be sure to mark your calendar and join us on 5 and 6 July 2022.

If you need any help, please contact us at:

[email protected].