Lynsey Tweddle

Lynsey Tweddle Speaker

Lynsey Tweddle Strategic Lead, Governance

Sport England

Lynsey is Strategic Lead, Governance at Sport England. Soon after joining the organisation seven years ago Lynsey was tasked with developing and implementing the Code for Sports Governance with governance colleagues at UK Sport. The Code set world leading standards for governance in sport and has effected significant change within the sport and physical activity sector in England and the UK. Lynsey recently led the review of the Code alongside UK Sport colleagues. She also works with Sport England’s partners and the wider sector on other projects and initiatives promoting good governance – for example, with The Football Association on its Governance Code for County Football Associations.

Prior to that Lynsey’s career has been predominantly in the public sector, including on the Executive team of an NHS Community Trust and at the BBC where she spent eight years running the private office for the Director-General.

Lynsey is a Mental Health First Aider and passionate about incorporating wellbeing in the workplace.

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