Suzyo Ng'andu

Suzyo Ng'andu Speaker

Suzyo Ng'andu Board Secretary

Zambia Revenue Authority

Suzyo Ngandu serves as the Board Secretary of the Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) where she provides guidance and support to both Management and the Board on various governance issues including development of appropriate policies and procedures. The role requires the coordination of various reports to be tabled to the Board including in areas such as monitoring of the Key Strategic Objectives and Risk Monitoring.

She also heads the Internal Affairs Unit where she leads a team which investigates allegations of malpractice or fraud brought against officers in the Authority.

A Fellow of the Chartered Governance Institute of the UK(CGI) where she serves on the E-Community Steering Committee as well as the Thought Leadership Committee where pertinent governance issues including gender equality and diversity are discussed.

Suzyo is passionate about empowering women and has served on the Women’s Leadership Forum Executive Committee at ZRA since 2019 as interim Chairperson. This Committee was set up with a view to promoting the involvement of female employees in decision making within the Authority. She has been nominated to serve on the Women in Tax Network under the African Tax Administrators Forum (ATAF) Advisory Panel.

In 2022 she was nominated as Chairperson of the World Customs Organization (WCO) GED Virtual Working Group which she joined in 2020.She recently made a presentation in December, 2022 behalf of ZRA to the Gender and Social Inclusion (GESI) and Taxation conference organized by USAID Revenue4Growth project on the work of the Women’s Leadership Forum which includes engaging Women lead SME businesses on tax compliance and broadening their tax In February, 2023 Suzyo attended the African Women in Taxation conference organized by ATAF in Maputo and later made a presentation on the work ZRA is doing to address the gender gap at leadership level at the World Customs Organization (WCO)Capacity Building Conference during the segment on Gender Equality held in Brussels Belgium.

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