The Worshipful Company of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators

The Worshipful Company of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators is one of 130 livery companies of the City of London. Livery companies grew out of the crafts and trades which have operated in the City for 100s of years. These older companies were supplemented in the 1970s by some of the modern trades, including that of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators.

Our Company is run by its members for its members. Our membership embraces Company Secretaries and Governance Professionals from all types of organisation and provides a means where governance professionals can meet and talk about common issues, can become part of the governance of the City of London (Liverymen elect the Lord Mayor), can give something back to Society, through supporting education etc, and can dine in some of the finest halls in London, many of which are not open to the public. We are a perfect blend of historical pageantry and modern business practices.

If you would like to know more, please come along to our stand, or contact the Clerk at [email protected] or visit our website at

Join us

We are looking forward to welcoming you to the 2024 Annual Conference. Be sure to mark your calendar and join us on 3 and 4 July 2024.

If you need any help, please contact the events team or call on:

+44 (0)20 7612 7034.