Retired membership; your next steps with us

Retired membership recognises our members who are no longer working. It acknowledges the contribution you have made and your continued commitment to the governance profession and the Institute.

What is a retired membership?

Retired membership recognises that even if you are no longer working, you are continuing to demonstrate your commitment to the profession and to the Institute. By maintaining your membership, throughout retirement, you are continuing to be part of our growing network of governance professionals. Retired membership formally acknowledges your many years of learning and professional practice and your adherence to the highest ethical and professional standards. Ongoing membership ensures you are kept up to date with the latest developments and activities at the Institute and the wider profession. And you will still enjoy the full range of benefits including access to G+C Magazine, invitations to events, your post nominals and your chartered designations (as applicable).

How to become a retired member

Retired membership is open to all members, aged 66 or over (UK state pensionable age) who are no longer conducting remunerated governance or company secretarial business in a professional capacity, either full or part-time.

If you are retired but continuing to act in a professional governance capacity for example as a Non-Executive Director for a substantial organisation, you would be required to remain on the full rate as it is the Institute’s view that the reliance on a member’s professional knowledge and standing is no different if it is provided it in a voluntary capacity as opposed to paid employment.

However we know that many of our retired members do like to give something back and it is not our intention to prevent this. So if you are working pro bono for a small concern, supporting a local charity or community cause or an organisation which is close to your heart you will be eligible to apply for the retired rate.

We understand that everyone’s circumstances are different so if you would like to talk to us about your situation please do get in touch particularly if you are unsure about your eligibility or you have any questions.

Benefits for retired members

We are dedicated to supporting our students and members through every stage of their career, including our members who are in retirement.

Post nominals and chartered designations

Our retired members can continue to use their post nominals. In addition, our retired Associates and Fellows can retain their chartered designations – Chartered Secretary and/or Chartered Governance Professional. Continued use of post nominals and chartered designations illustrates the contribution you have made to the Institute, to the profession, to upholding standards and values, as we realise this doesn’t stop because you are retired. If you remain with us, you can continue to use your designations.

G+C Magazine and e-communications

We will continue to send you G+C Magazine and our regular e-communications. You can log into your online portal MyCG, to manage the communications you receive from us and from your local branch.

Your local branch

You will continue to be a member of your local branch. There may be opportunities to get more involved in branch activities. Our branches offer great networking opportunities, which help our members to stay connected with like-minded people as well as offering quality professional development events on topics of interest with a regional or local focus.


You will receive invitations to take part in a range of events, both face-to-face and online. As a retired member you will continue to receive preferential rates.

Get involved

We would love to utilize your knowledge and experience and there are several ways you can support the Institute and the next generation of governance professionals:

AGM and Council elections

Retired members can continue to take part in our governance, by supporting the Annual General Meeting and voting in Council elections. The AGM is an opportunity for you to share your views on how we run your Institute; we are a membership organisation, so your views continue to matter. In addition, playing your part to elect the right members to Council, gives them a strong mandate to govern CGIUKI for the benefit of its members.

Special Interest Groups and local branches

Joining a special interest group or getting more involved in your local branch provides an opportunity to stay connected with your peers and to share your knowledge and expertise with others.


Becoming a mentor is a great way to give something back and to share your expertise. Members who are mentors often learn something new too and all find the experience very rewarding. Training will be provided before you a matched to a mentee. Depending on your availability you can be matched with more than one person, the choice is yours.


Being an advocate for the Institute simply means continuing to talk about us and the profession in a positive way. You can advocate in a range of different light of touch ways. From sharing Institute news and updates within your own networks, recommending the Institute’s Qualifying Programme, sector specific qualifications, training courses and CPD offer or just simply sharing your story with others.

Cost of retired membership

The current annual fee for our retired members, from 1 August 2022 is £160; £100 if you are living in a country eligible for the Reduced Rate Country Concession.

How to apply

Please read the Retired Rate policy. You will then be taken to a link, to apply online. Your request to move onto the Retired Rate concession will be reviewed and you will be notified of the decision in due course. The new rate of membership will come into effect at your next renewal.

Have a question?

Please look at our FAQs first. If you can’t find the answer you are looking for then please contact the membership team by email or call the team on +44(0)20 7580 4741.

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