1. Professional subscription (subscription) to The Chartered Governance Institute UK & Ireland provides you with 12 months’ individual access to resources to support good governance. These include receipt of Governance + Compliance magazine, access to guidance in the Institute's online knowledge centre, unlimited use of the governance helpline service and subscriber discounts on conferences and events. Subscribers in the UK and EU will receive the printed version of the Governance + Compliance magazine. Subscribers in reduced rate countries will receive the digital version.
2. Your subscription is individual to you and you should not share your log-in details with others.
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5. Subscription to The Chartered Governance Institute UK & Ireland is not a form of membership and does not entitle you to hold out yourself or your organisation as, or to represent or imply that you are a chartered secretary or chartered governance professional.
6. The Chartered Governance Institute UK & Ireland will contact you by email a month before your subscription expires with an invitation to renew for an additional 12 months. Information about current pricing and benefits is always available on our website.
7. If you wish to cancel your subscription before the end of the 12-month subscription period, please contact us at [email protected]. A refund will only be given for cancellation of which written notice by letter or email is received within 30 days from the date of your registration as a professional subscriber. If you do not renew your subscription, your service will be terminated.
8. If you have attended one of our training courses, you are entitled to take-up your complimentary six month subscription within 30 days from the date of the course that you attended. To receive this benefit you will need to complete a registration form. All other terms and conditions apply.