The Charities’ Statement of Recommended Practice FRS 102 (Charities SORP) gives a framework for accounting and reporting, designed to:
help charity trustees meet their legal requirement for their accounts to give a ‘true and fair view’;
encourage consistency in charity accounting standards; and
give recommendations for charity annual reporting.
All charities must use the Charities SORP to prepare their accounts unless the trustees have opted to prepare receipts and payments accounts and their charity is a non-company charity which had an income of £250,000 or less in the reporting period.
This report focuses on the trustee strand and the work undertaken to engage and understand the issues facing trustees in applying the Charities SORP. This report provides an analysis of the survey for trustees about their experiences and understanding of the current Charities SORP. The survey ran from 23 October to 7 December 2020.
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