Thinking about a charity merger?
This guidance note seeks to highlight the advantages and disadvantages of merging with another charity and covers the legislative issues around charities registered with the Charity Commission in England and Wales.
This guidance note seeks to highlight the advantages and disadvantages of merging with another charity and covers the legislative issues around charities registered with the Charity Commission in England and Wales.
Of interest to those involved in charity governance.
This guidance note seeks to highlight the advantages and disadvantages of merging with another charity and covers the legislative issues around charities registered with the Charity Commission in England and Wales.
Purpose of this guidance
The purpose of this guidance note, and others in this series, is to provide those responsible for the governance of a charity with a framework setting out the issues that should be borne in mind when considering the possibility of merging with one or more other charities. This guidance is written for trustees and those senior members of staff with significant powers delegated to them by the charity’s trustees (such as the charity secretary/governance professional or chief executive).
This document includes:
Introduction to charity mergers
Merger drivers
Charity self-evaluation
Merger motivation
Merger doubts
Considering the implications of a merger
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