If you're struggling to find the right CPD for you, then you might be interested in some of the following activities.

Paid-for CPD activities
ICSA Information and Training offer events throughout the year on various subjects pertinent to company secretarial work and the wider governance and compliance field.

Upcoming training events cover areas such as charity governance, presentation skills, health and safety, company law and chairing skills, plus there are a number of conferences and other events that count towards your CPD. Each event page highlights the number of CPD hours that particular event is worth. 

Did you know? ICSA events can also recognised as suitable CPD credit with the following professional bodies: Solicitors Regulation Authority, Bar Standards Board, ILEX, PMI and ACCA.

Low-to-no cost CPD activities
Throughout the year, ICSA get asked for representatives to give talks or presentations at a variety of events, especially careers fairs. If you are interested speaking at any of these types of event, please email [email protected] to be added to our mailing list.

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