As the home of good governance and the leading authority on governance and company secretarial practice, we at CGIUKI provide guidance, technical insight and updates for members and the wider governance community.
Guidance Notes
Our much-acclaimed guidance note series are regularly updated, reviewed and added to, to ensure the library of guidance is an extensive and comprehensive resource hub. Many are accessible to members only, so you will need to log in to see the complete suite. A selection of guidance notes are available to non-members, as we endeavour to serve and provide guidance for the wider governance community.

Technical Briefings
Exclusive to our member community are our technical briefings which are regular updates from the CGIUKI Policy team. These are highly valued listings of all new and relevant policy changes, proposals, news snippets as well as information on how to get involved with our policy work.

Our standing and relationships with government departments and regulatory bodies means that we are often asked to contribute to public consultations on matters relating to governance. Our library of past consultations and our submissions are a useful reference source.