Passionate about governance? Can you help us to shape the future of our qualifications? We are looking for suitably experienced individuals to join our examining teams and committees. You could be hands on writing assessment materials, marking exams or advising on educational strategy, as a committee panel member. For further details and information regarding these volunteer positions please email

Qualifications Committee
The Qualifications Committee is responsible for all academic and professional aspects of the Chartered Governance Institute’s qualifications. It provides guidance on the development of education products and professional qualifications, ensures quality control, standard setting and policies and procedures.
As a committee observer, you’ll bring an independent view on a range of educational matters, drawing on your knowledge and expertise. You’ll be providing feedback and comment on Institute proposals regarding new qualifications or educational products for example, as well as their suitability for the market and commercial viability. The Committee seeks a balance of practitioners and academics from different backgrounds. There is a current requirement to attend meetings twice a year.
For further details and information regarding this volunteer position please email
Assessment Review Panel
The Assessment Review Panel (exam board) has the operational responsibility for the Institute’s qualifications. It advises on academic and professional standards, monitors exams sessions, marking processes, examiner reports and agrees exam results. It reports to the Qualifications Committee.
The panel consists of practitioners and academics with a variety of experience, not only in governance. You may already have assessment experience or are looking to share your educational expertise and enthusiasm to help shape our future planning for qualifications. You’ll be joining us at an exciting time as we review our qualifications and assessment methods and further develop our digital delivery. There is a current requirement to meet twice a year for the exam sessions and results.
For further details and information regarding this volunteer position please email