The Chartered Governance Institute - Sri Lanka & Asia Pacific

Sri Lanka & Asia Pacific

Stay up to date with what's happening in local governance and the wider governance community


Why are annual reports so long and what can we do about it?

Why are annual reports so long and what can we do about it?

04 September 2024

Annual reports seem to be getting longer, but do more pages necessarily equate to more value? Perhaps this is one of those situations when less is more. Read more

Increasing member engagement for AGM processes

Increasing member engagement for AGM processes

21 August 2024

The AGM pre-period provides a good opportunity to promote engagement and communicate with members and shareholders. Read more

Ever thought about becoming a mentor?

Ever thought about becoming a mentor?

07 August 2024

Find out more about what is involved in becoming a mentor, what support is available and the benefits for those who volunteer. Read more

Prepare for the worst: the board's role in crisis management

Prepare for the worst: the board's role in crisis management

01 August 2024

Risk management is not the same as crisis management. Read more

Can risk be good?

Can risk be good?

24 July 2024

A panel session at Governance 2024 highlighted that risk management is not the same as risk avoidance. Read more

AI: organisational change and transformation

AI: organisational change and transformation

22 July 2024

Whether your planning radical strategic change or a watch and wait approach our recent webinar on change and transformation provided tips to put your organisation on the road to AI implementation success. Read more

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