- 27 February 2020
Sport England and The Chartered Governance Institute will today unveil plans to launch a Sports Governance Academy to support, develop and connect people working in the sport and physical activity sector who have an interest in governance.
Launching formally in April this year, the Sports Governance Academy (SGA) will be a one-stop governance hub for the sports and physical activity sector. It will provide a trusted set of resources to help people working in sport to get to grips with governance as part of an active community.
Speaking at the CIMSPA & Quest NBS conference in Derby later today, Sport England CEO Tim Hollingsworth will say:
“Sport England’s role is to support and enable organisations across the sports sector to be the best that they can be and fulfil their potential to transform lives, people and places for the better.
“That’s why we are so proud, with our trusted partner The Chartered Governance Institute, to launch the Sport Governance Academy today. This important support hub will equip people in the sports and physical activity sector grappling with governance with resources, training and access to a thriving network of like-minded individuals. Ultimately it will help all those leading, working and volunteering in sports organisations embed good governance at all levels, enhance performance and achieve their goals. We are delighted also with the support that CIMSPA is providing by accrediting the training courses that the Academy will be running.”
A free-of-charge knowledge base is being created, which will provide resources for raising governance standards, such as guidance, template documents, checklists, webinars and blogs. The full range of SGA services will only be available to organisations in receipt of funding from Sport England or UK Sport. Benefits for those organisations include:
- Training courses offering CIMSPA-recognised accreditation
- Dedicated networking events
- Annual conference.
Sara Drake, Chief Executive at The Chartered Governance Institute, concludes:
“This unique partnership presents the ideal opportunity for those working and volunteering in the sport and physical activity sector to improve the way in which their organisations operate. Effective governance contributes to the success of all organisations and the Academy has been established to provide the tools necessary for people to drive that success. Sport enjoys a special place in many people’s hearts and providing organisations funded by Sport England or UK Sport and the wider sector with the tools to improve their governance will help build a successful and sustainable sector.”
More details about SGA can be found on the dedicated website www.sportsgovernanceacademy.org.uk
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