Accreditation Services

Public Practice Scheme

CGIUKI members in public practice offer a range of governance and company secretarial services to organisations of all sizes in the UK and internationally. 

Specialist services from our members include advice and practical support in: 

  • Governance 
  • Risk management 
  • Compliance 
  • Company secretarial services 
  • Legal services (including HR) 
  • Accountancy

Why choose a member in public practice?

You’ll have assurance that those providing governance and services are suitably qualified. As CGIUKI members, members in public practice uphold our code of ethics and professional standards and provide clients with reliable, high-quality services. They must also have professional indemnity insurance.

Join the Public Practice Directory

If you’re a CGIUKI member providing services to the public, you might be eligible to join our Public Practice Directory. Open the door to new opportunities and feature in the ultimate source for anyone looking for a governance professional in public practice.