Governance of The Chartered Governance Institute UK & Ireland is managed by the CGIUKI board and its sub-committees.
The CGIUKI board is a committee of the Council of the global Institute. It manages the affairs of the Institute and controls all assets, liabilities, income and expenditure of the Institute in or related to the UK, Republic of Ireland, Associated Territories, Channel Islands and the Isle of Man.
The board is composed of:
- Members elected to the CGIUKI board by the members in CGIUKI. Such number to be determined by the CGIUKI board from time to time having due regard to the effectiveness and operating costs of the board.
- The most recent Past President of the CGIUKI board if they are willing and able to serve.
Our CGIUKI Board

Charles Brown FCG

Ruairí Cosgrove FCG

Victoria Penrice FCG

Marie Larkin FCG

Anthony Corriette FCG

Silvana Glibota-Vigo FCG

Soodesh Jowaheer FCG

Lisa Sunner FCG

Bernadette Young FCG

Justine Lutterodt FCG
Audit & Risk Committee
The Audit & Risk Committee is responsible for monitoring the integrity of the financial statements of the CGIUKI division and its subsidiary companies keeping under review the effectiveness of the Group's internal controls and risk management systems; oversight of the internal audit function; and overseeing the selection processes for the engagement of external and internal auditors when required. The Committee is composed of a minimum of four members. These might include Fellows, Associates and Affiliated members of the Institute and non-members. At least one member of the Committee shall have recent, relevant financial experience.
Education and Learning Committee
The Education and Learning Committee is responsible for advising the CGIUKI Board on all aspects of all qualifications within CGIUKI, including all those leading to membership of the Institute. It will also monitor the delivery of the learning and development programme and will provide assurance to the Board regarding the implementation of the programme and its alignment with CGIUKI’s strategy. An Assessment Review Panel monitors the quality and standard of CGIUKI examinations.
Membership Committee
The Membership Committee is responsible for assessing and recommending to the CGIUKI Board candidates to be admitted to membership or upgraded to Fellowship within CGIUKI. It also makes recommendations to the Board on the systems and procedures established to implement admissions policy, provides guidance on member benefits and monitors the Continuing Professional Development and Public Practice Scheme. The Committee is composed by a minimum of three members. These might include Fellows. Associates and Affiliated members of the Institute and non-members.
Nominations and Remuneration Committee
The Nomination and Remuneration Committee is responsible for ensuring the composition of the CGIUKI Board (the Board), is fit for purpose, for the nomination of CGIUKI President and Vice-Presidents and to make recommendations to the Board on changes to its structure, size and composition and the membership of its standing committees and its subsidiary companies. It is also responsible for ensuring the process to appoint the Chief Executive is fair, open and transparent and for approving its annual remuneration package; and with the Chief Executive’s advice, review the remuneration arrangements of the Senior Management Team (Executive Team) and succession planning.
Investment Committee
The Investment Committee oversees all matters concerning the investment of funds on behalf of the CGIUKI Board (the Board), such as recommending the investment strategy and having oversight of its implementation including setting investment return requirements and the monitoring of investment performance. The Committee is composed by a minimum of four members including three members of the Board one of whom shall be the Chair of the Audit & Risk Committee, and at least one other member with recent and relevant investment experience. Members of the Committee might include Fellows, Associate, Affiliated members of the Institute and non-members.