The Chartered Governance Institute - Isle of Man

Isle of Man

Welcome to the spring 2024 edition of our Wellbeing Updates.

Spring 2024

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Spring 2024 Wellbeing


Welcome to our Spring 2024 newsletter focusing on the well-being of individuals who are balancing undertaking studies whilst maintaining a full-time job.

Many of our members will have experienced the challenge of balancing professional responsibilities, personal relationships, health and well-being whilst undertaking academic pursuits. In today’s fast paced world, it often feels overwhelming when trying to navigate differing priorities. The purpose of this newsletter is to offer valuable insights and tips to manage, above all else, physical and mental wellbeing whilst juggling numerous commitments in both our personal and professional lives.

Set Boundaries and Time Management Practices:

Set Boundaries and Time Management Practices

  • Establish clear boundaries between work, study, and personal time to prevent burnout and maintain a healthy work-life-study balance.
  • Ensure the goals you set are realistic and achievable to avoid being overwhelmed by an endless to do list.
  • Identify your priorities and allocate time accordingly by determining which tasks are important and which can wait.
  • Use tools like calendars, planners, or apps to schedule your time effectively and stay on track and optimise productivity and focus.

Cultivate Supportive Relationships:

Cultivate Supportive Relationships

  • Surround yourself with a strong support network of friends, family, colleagues, and fellow students who understand and encourage your academic and professional goals.
  • Lean on your support system during challenging times, whether it's for emotional support, practical help, or simply a listening ear.
  • Open communication is key. Inform your employer about your academic pursuits and discuss potential adjustments to your work schedule if needed.
  • Remember that asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness.

Optimise Learning Methods:

Optimise Learning Methods

  • Maximise efficiency by choosing flexible learning options such as online courses or evening classes that accommodate your schedule. This way, you are more motivated to learn when it suits you.
  • Utilise resources like recorded lectures, study groups, and online forums to supplement your learning and make the most of your limited time.

Practice Self-Care and Maintain Balance:

Practice Self-Care and Maintain Balance

  • Make self-care a non-negotiable priority by scheduling regular breaks throughout the day, engaging in activities that bring you joy, and prioritising activities that promote physical and mental well-being to recharge. These could be reading, meditating, exercising, painting, writing, gardening, or playing music.
  • Ensuring you have sufficient sleep to recharge your body and mind is essential to feeling focused. The role of sleep on performance and the body’s reaction to stress is widely underestimated. Lack of sleep affects your cognitive processes, including attention, concentration, and memory which is why a regular sleep pattern is important.
  • Pay attention to your nutrition and hydration. Opt for balanced meals high in nutrients and stay hydrated throughout the day to sustain your energy levels and improve brain function and overall mood. Nutrition also helps to support a healthy immune system.
  • Strive for a healthy work-life-study balance. It's essential to nourish all aspects of your life to sustain long-term success and well-being. Make time for rest, exercise, hobbies, and socialising to recharge your energy and stay motivated.

Embrace Mindfulness and Stress Management:

Embrace Mindfulness and Stress Management

  • Incorporate mindfulness practices into your daily routine, such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or yoga, to reduce stress and increase mental clarity.
  • Practice stress management techniques like time-blocking, prioritizing tasks, and delegating responsibilities to maintain a sense of control and balance.
  • Set boundaries by designating specific times for work, study, and personal activities, and stick to them as much as possible.
  • Remember that it's ok to say no to additional commitments that may strain your schedule excessively. Focus on tasks that align with your goals and priorities.

Stay Flexible and Adapt:

Stay Flexible and Adapt

  • Be prepared for unexpected challenges or changes in your schedule and remind yourself that it is ok if things don’t always go to plan.
  • Stay adaptable and resilient in the face of adversity, and be willing to adjust your plans accordingly.

Practice Gratitude and Celebrate Progress:

Practice Gratitude and Celebrate Progress

  • Celebrate your achievements and milestones, no matter how small. Acknowledge your progress and perseverance, and reward yourself for your hard work and dedication.
  • Cultivate an attitude of gratitude by reflecting on the positive aspects of your life, career, and educational journey.
  • Practising gratitude and recognising how far you’ve come will help you stay motivated.
  • Project your mind forward in time to look back and consider the hard work you are doing now. Think about the sense of achievement and pride you will feel in the future (perhaps forever more) for that focussed and intense effort you are currently undertaking. Compare this relatively short time to the future long-term benefit to generate positive feelings and thoughts while striving towards your current goal.

Balancing studying with a full-time job is undoubtedly demanding, but with careful planning, effective time management, and self-discipline, it's entirely achievable. Remember to stay focused on your goals, stay resilient in the face of challenges, and celebrate your progress along the way. Finding balance is a journey, not a destination, and it looks different to everyone. Try a few of the tips above to see what works for you.

The Committee would like to wish all students the best of luck in your studies and exams. Remember you are not alone!

Your committee,

Juan Moore, Chair

Emily Lightfoot, David Griffin and Marcelene Cullinane

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