The Chartered Governance Institute - West Midlands

West Midlands

Hiring for the branch committee - person specification

Hiring for the branch committee - person specification


The West Midlands branch in partnership with the Association of Corporate Governance Practitioners (ACGP) and with assistance from the Institute's Head Office was launched in December 2018 to support members and students of the Institute in the region. It provides networking opportunities, professional development events and student support.  It also promotes good governance and works towards raising the profile of the Institute. The Branch is run by a steering committee of volunteers.


  • The committee currently holds a minimum of four meetings and four member events a year.  Committee meetings tend to be held in the mornings and member events in the evenings. Potential committee members should be prepared to attend these events. Note that as a result of Covid, all meetings and events are currently held virtually.
  • Committee members serve a three year term after which it is intended that a general meeting of the Branch will be held at which all committee members who wish to continue stand for re-election and others put themselves forward. 
  • Committee members should also be willing to join one of our three sub-committees: Events, Communications and Student Engagement.


We are looking for members and students of the Institute or ACGP members who are enthusiastic and supportive of the Branch’s continuity and aims.  The committee would like to hear from people who:

  • can devote the time and are collaborative
  • are willing to help organize events
  • recognize and encourage inclusivity at all levels and are committed to diversity
  • have an interest in networking and sourcing speakers
  • (useful but not necessary) have experience in the technology or public sectors, including healthcare and education, or in large corporates


You are invited to submit an expression of interest in the form of a brief letter of application and a C.V. to the branch secretary by email at: [email protected]

Applications should arrive by 31 July 2024, ready for consideration at the next committee meeting

We very much look forward to hearing from you.

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