1 July 2025
8.30 Registration and exhibition hall open
9.30 Conference begins
9.35 Welcome address
- Sara Drake, Chief Executive, Chartered Governance Institute UK and Ireland
09:45 Keynote address
10:20 Looking ahead: Corporate Governance reform
The Chartered Governance Institute UKI’s Policy & Research Director, Peter Swabey FCG will discuss the latest developments in corporate governance and other significant changes afoot.
11.00 Refreshment break
11:30 Prepare for Impact
An all-encompassing session on understanding geopolitical risk and the governance professionals role in supporting the board and your organisation.
12:10 The EU AI Act: Are you ready?
12.45 Lunchtime Lowdown
A five-minute recap on this morning sessions
12.50 Lunch break
14.00 Breakout Sessions
1 - Personal development session
This session will be aimed towards those are at a junior level and student.
2 - Personal development session
This session will be aimed towards those who are at a senior level.
3 - Sponsor session
14.35 Movement break
14.40 Breakout Sessions
1 - Balance in the Boardroom
Trustees and board members often have influence over the strategic direction and culture of an organisation. Being aware of social mobility inclusion helps them recognise the importance of having individuals from all socioeconomic backgrounds represented around the table, leading to diverse voices more balanced and inclusive governance.
2 - Setting the tone
This session will provide tips and insights to help your executive understand and enhance their executive summary. |
3 - Sponsor session
15.15 Tea and coffee break
15.45 Breakout Sessions
1 - The power of company values in shaping culture
Leeds Beckett University and the Worshipful Company of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators have conducted research into the ‘Value of Culture in Governance’. |
2 - Encouraging challenges in the boardroom
This session looks at giving individuals the tools and confidence to speak up and make challenges in the boardroom. |
3 - Sponsor session
16.20 Movement break
16.25 Motivational session
16.55 Conference close
17.00 Drinks reception