
Drag the navigation below to slide between each programme day.


Main registration, exhibition and networking


Event opening


CEO address and welcome

  • Sara Drake, CEO, The Chartered Governance Institute UK & Ireland


Ministerial address

  • Kevin Hollinrake MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Enterprise, Markets and Small Business, Department of Business & Trade


Panel discussion

Deep dive into the proposed Government & FRC changes, what they are proposing and how this will affect organisations.


  • Peter Swabey FCG, Policy & Research Director, CGIUKI


  • Maureen Beresford, Head of Corporate Governance, FRC


Refreshments and networking


The importance of equality, diversity and inclusion at all levels – top-down, bottom-up


Panel: Equality, diversity, and inclusion – getting it right and making it stick


  • Andrea Macfarlane, Head of Equity, Diversity & Inclusion, AWE



Lunch and networking

What can CGIUKI do for you? (Optional briefing session)

  • What are the benefits of membership?
  • What products and services are available such as mentoring schemes and training courses - have on-hand training providers to talk through some of the more popular sessions.


Plenary session: How do boards get the skills they need?




Breakout Sessions

1 - Values of codes of governance (debate)

A debate on the value, importance and impact of governance codes, with senior representatives of the codes from the charity, sports and corporate sectors. By looking at the similarities and differences between the structure and implementation of the three governance codes, this panel will tease out cross-sector learnings, both for applying the codes and for demonstrating their impact on embedding effective governance in your organisation.


  • Emily Ford, Policy Advisor, The Chartered Governance Institute UK & Ireland


  • Radojka Miljevic, Partner at Campbell Tickell, Chair of the Charity Governance Code steering group
  • Richard McDermott ACG, Company Secretary, The Football Association
  • Maureen Beresford, Head of Corporate Governance, FRC
2 - Effective decision-making at the board level (workshop)

Informed through global research, this workshop explores how to shape a mindset and behaviours for directors to effectively address complexities, including:

  • How to ask the difficult question and win over colleagues?
  • How to work through misalignments and tensions for positive outcomes?
  • What does adding value really mean for a board director?

Professor Andrew Kakabadse, Programme Director, The Board Directors' Programme at Henley Business School and Chairman of the Henley Directors’ Forum

3 - Cyber Resilience is a governance issue, not a technical one…

Cyber-attacks are in the news on a weekly if not daily basis, yet in a lot of organisations continue to be seen an operational IT issue. The National Cyber Security Centre will discuss why and how cyber resilience should be considered as an organisational governance issue with accountability at a board level. The session will include:

  • Overview of the cyber threat to UK organisations
  • How and why cyber should be embedded into existing governance mechanisms
  • How to support the board and leadership to adopt and feel comfortable discussing cyber resilience.

Cub Llewelyn-Davies, Head of Market Incentives, National Cyber Security Centre

4 - The New People, Process & Technology to Supercharge Boardroom Effectiveness

The rapid advancement of digitalisation and data has transformed the business world and redefined the role of the board of directors. Today's boards need to be more agile and responsive to market changes and emerging risks than ever before. Join this conversation and hear from a panel of experts who will discuss:

  • How both internal and external data fuel effective decision making
  • The importance of inward board evaluation processes.
  • How best to equip directors and leaders with the skills and knowledge needed to address governance challenges and opportunities


  • Emily Williams, Director, Thought Leadership, Diligent
  • Lena Eriksson, Senior Advisor, Financial Institutions nestor advisor, Morrow Sodali
  • Onyeka Nweze, Governance Manager & Company Secretary, UK & Europe, EML Payments




Refreshments and networking


Breakout Sessions

1 - Unleashing AI and Multimedia to Create Unforgettable Board Packs In this session, find out how you can revolutionise your board pack by embracing AI, intelligent writing tools, multi-media, and captivating visuals, and by learning from the latest research into what works and what doesn't when it comes to landing your message with impact in the boardroom. In an era of information overload, we'll share how leading governance teams are embracing all of this to cut through the noise and equip their colleagues with the tools to create short, sharp, next-generation reports that help everyone to see what matters and power smart, fast decision-making.

Jennifer Sundberg, Co-CEO Board Intelligence

Laura Stewart, Associate Director, Board Intelligence

Sponsor: Board Intelligence

2 - Companies House update (briefing/Q&A)

This session will provide an update on the Register of Overseas Entities and an overview of the upcoming reforms to Companies House as a result of the Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Bill

Rachael Watts, ROE Implementation Lead, Companies House

3 - Case Study: Excellence in charity governance

Focusing on every stage of a charity’s life cycle, this session aims to help charities with practical steps to meet their day-to-day governance needs and to breakdown the implementation process for complex governance changes, particularly in today's difficult operating environment.

4 - Defining and overseeing strategy in an age of uncertainty

Rapid and unpredictable changes to the geopolitical, technological, economic and societal landscapes combine to challenge board effectiveness in key areas. This session looks at the role boards play, and the issues they may face, in setting and monitoring strategy against a backdrop of uncertainty.

James Beasley, Head of Board Advisory, EMEA, Nasdaq

Andrew Fairhurst FCG, Director of Company Secretarial, Legal & General Group Plc 

Sponsor: Nasdaq


Conflict management (debate)

  • Conflicts of interest for directors and boards – a balance between ethics and just getting on with things
  • Who, what, when, where and why of conflicts
  • The ‘litmus test’ for conflicts – when is it okay and when is it not.


  • Sara Drake, CEO, The Chartered Governance Institute UK & Ireland
  • Richard McDermott, ACG, Company Secretary, The Football Association
  • Professor Andrew Kakabadse, Programme Director, The Board Directors' Programme at Henley Business School and Chairman of the Henley Directors’ Forum


Closing remarks


Drinks reception

6 July 2023


Networking and registration for Day Two 


Welcome Back


Keynote Address

What does it mean to say we have integrity? Ethics and compliance programmes tend to focus on individual conduct. But we also need to look at the systems and the context, as well as explore the power dynamics inside and outside our organisations.


The ‘4 Ps’ – people, planet, profit and purpose

Most consumers would agree that in the 21st century, the value of a brand is contingent upon several very crucial factors. More than just a matter of profit, it’s about brand purpose, how the brand treats and engages with its workforce, suppliers and customers, and its impact on the planet as a whole. Our panellists discuss how the ‘4 Ps’ approach is a must in building a sustainable future.



  • Priscilla Seukka, Managing Director, Kairos Consult Ltd
  • Alia Fazal, Head of Corporate Governance, bp


Refreshments and networking


Harnessing the potential of technology for a digital future

An open discussion about the potential for technology to drive measurable performance improvements, raise the profile of the governance function, deliver organisational efficiencies and improve the engagement, development and retention of your team.


  • Mike Fry, Partner, Entity Compliance & Governance, EY



Breakout sessions

1 - Building your governance career (panel) Where are you now, what development do you need and can the CGIUKI Competency Framework assist? What is the state of the market, and how to navigate it? Getting yourself ready for promotion.
  • Mark Howorth, Business Operations Manager, University of Leeds
  • Kate Huggins, Partner, Leathwaite

  • Kate Graham, Aviva
2 - Unmasking the Company Secretary's Vital Role in Business Transformation

Revealing the findings of 5 years of CGI-Board Intelligence joint research, we'll be examining the role of the board secretary as the architect of a thriving business - a business capable of reacting and adapting fast in an ever changing world.

We'll bust myths and show you why the Silicon Valley playbook is not what most people think it is. Drawing on lessons from Amazon, Google and Microsoft we'll show why your role as board secretary has the potential to be at centre of the change that is needed for business transformation and high growth

  • Peter Swabey FCG, Policy & Research Director, CGIUKI
  • Jennifer Sundberg, Co-CEO, Board Intelligence

3 - Lessons learned from this year’s Annual Report process

Each year, we see the Annual Report posing ever-increasing challenges. In 2023 alone, we’ve seen a step-change in reporting requirements pertaining to ESG and TCFD-related content, the Board’s role in cyber security, diversity disclosures and audit quality. As new and existing reporting requirements evolve and grow, a common theme heard in the governance community is the increasing demand each year to do more, with less. In this panel discussion, we hear from a panel of governance professionals on how they’re looking to address this challenge.
  • Patrick Skinner, General Manager UK & Europe, Atticus
  • Megan Barnes, Head of Company Secretariat, Ocado Plc
  • Helen Baker, Consultant / Director, HN06 Limited

4 - Materiality: Underpinning Your Approach To ESG

The need to understand an organisation’s material topics is becoming increasingly important. With new legislation coming down the track and the ever present pressure from stakeholders, companies need to ensure that they have a true understanding of their Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) priorities in order to develop robust and meaningful sustainability approaches and reporting. Double materiality is becoming a recurring theme in non-financial reporting legislation including CSRD and standards such as GRI and SASB - it has never been a more relevant time for businesses to assess their materiality.

This workshop will provide you with insight into ESG Materiality Vs Double Materiality, why materiality is important, and how it underpins an approach to ESG.


Lunch and networking


ISSB? TPT? TNFD? CSRD? Managing the wave of new sustainability reporting requirements

High on all our reporting lists right now is what to do about sustainability. With so many new requirements on the horizon, it’s difficult to know what you’re supposed to do, let alone how to do it while preserving the clarity and focus of your reporting. Trust me, I’m listed author Claire Bodanis will give us some highlights of what’s coming, with Andrew Ninian of the Investment Association giving us the essential investor context, and Lorraine Clover of Reach plc sharing her experience of making it all happen.


  • Claire Bodanis, Founder and Director of Falcon Windsor, Author of 'Trust me, I'm listed' 



Breakout Sessions

1 - Things you have always wanted to know about CGI qualifications

Do you ever wonder what are your next career steps? Which road should you take, and which qualification matches your needs? What’s required? How many hours? Job prospects? How would CGUKI support you? Come and speak to the team and let us help and guide you to the next steps in your career and qualifications.

  • Theresa Minnie ACG, Head of Outreach, The Chartered Governance Institute UK & Ireland
  • Craig Budde, Business Account Manager, The Chartered Governance Institute UK & Ireland
  • Pierre Alozie, Learning and Development Programme Support Executive, The Chartered Governance Institute UK & Ireland
2 - Using AI to improve decision making and transparency for boards

Discover the transformative potential of AI in board governance with our insightful session. We delve into the impact of AI on decision-making processes and transparency in board governance, exploring both the benefits and challenges that come with incorporating AI solutions.


  • Victoria Penrice FCG, President of The Chartered Governance Institute UK & Ireland


  • Tamara Quinn, Partner, Osborne Clarke LLP
  • Andrew Fairhurst, Director of Company Secretarial, Legal & General Group Plc
  • Professor Ashley Braganza, Dean, Brunel Business School

Sponsor: iBabs

3 - Governing subsidiaries in a fractured world

The world in recent years has seemed a more unstable place than in several decades, with political alliances frayed, new alliances forming and uncertainty in the ascendant. All of that only adds to the challenges faces by businesses which operate multiple entities in multiple jurisdictions. In this session we consider the changing geopolitical and regulatory environment and the risks and challenges this may bring for parent companies and their subsidiaries.

  • Sarah Woodhouse, Deputy Company Secretary & Head of Corporate, Unilever
  • James Earling, Assistant Company Secretary, Unilever
4 - Building resilience skills for professional development (workshop)

Resilience is a vital attribute for governance professionals. Resilience is the ability to bounce back from setbacks, adapt to new circumstances, and maintain stability and effectiveness within your organisation. Join this session to understand what resilience is in a governance context, how to approach obstacles and thrive in your role.

Laura Higgins, Director, the COSEC Coach


Tea and networking


Breakout Sessions

1 - Time for Change

Inflation continues to have a sharp impact on the cost of living. Many UK boards have discussed how best to support employees through pay raises and bonuses, often targeted at those who are paid less in their organisation. Are the opportunities employee share plans offer being fully utilised as part of their response?

Against the background of the biggest government consultation on all-employee share plans in over 20 years, how could share plans be better utilised, and what could be done to improve their appeal?

2 - The Future of Board Performance Reviews

    With board effectiveness attracting more attention and having identified the need for positive action, the Institute, with the support of an independent working group, led by Dr Ian Peters MBE, the Director of the Institute of Business Ethics, representing a variety of stakeholders, including the Financial Reporting Council, has reviewed the draft code of practice for board reviewers that we prepared for the Government in 2021.

Historically, there have been no independent standards for independent board performance reviews and, in short, anyone can offer to perform them. While the Code is not mandatory, it will give comfort about the quality of a service provider to those purchasing services, and assurance to investors and other stakeholders.

Join this session to learn about the work that the Institute has done and how we intend to support members and other governance professionals dealing with board performance reviews in the future.

3 - GBCI 2023 – The Challenges of Cross Border Business Compliance

Join us at the Global Complexity Index 2023 as we delve into the crucial topic of Cross Border Business Compliance. In this session, Yvette van Loon will shed light on the challenges faced by businesses in navigating the complex web of international regulations and compliance requirements. From ESG to tax regulations, we will explore the intricacies of cross-border operations and provide actionable insights to enhance compliance practices. Don't miss this opportunity to gain valuable knowledge and strategies to tackle the ever-evolving landscape of global business compliance.

Yvette van Loon
, Head of Sales GEM EMEA, TMF Group 

Sponsor: TMF Group
4 - AGMs: Is the virtual format inevitable in the future?

With hybrid meetings now accepted as a legitimate format for both listed company AGMs and member-based meetings, is the next step inevitably virtual, or will hybrid remain for many years to come. If successful, will the move to make meetings more inclusive by enfranchising nominee holders impact attendance, and force legislation to adopt an online only approach?
This session will assess the pro and cons of the two approaches and examine what the statistics tell us in terms of attendee engagement.

Oliver Bampfield, Managing Director, Lumi

Sponsor: Lumi


The Great Reset

The impact on resource shortages as people re-evaluate their work/life balance. Is the great resignation slowing?

  • What has been learnt after three years of virtual working?
  • Tips for heads of secretariat teams to retain their team.
  • Future-scoping - What impact will AI have on jobs? How much governance can be done via AI?

Yvonne Smyth, National Specialism Director for HR and Legal UK&I, Hays

Sarah Woodhouse, Deputy Company Secretary & Head of Corporate, Unilever


Closing remarks