
Independent Audit

Better governance for a better world

We help boards work better
Independent Audit are global leaders in board evaluation. We believe that good governance leads to better decisions which leads to better performance. A strong board supports management in addressing what is really important for their organisations – from strategy to people to tackling the ESG question.

We understand what makes boards effective
For over 20 years, our diverse team of proven specialists have dedicated themselves to developing expertise in how boards govern across a wide range of sectors. We have served on boards and have held roles as company secretaries, auditors, risk consultants, and lawyers. We focus on how boards exercise oversight in a way that helps drive organisational performance.

Board effectiveness reviews are at the core of what we do
Each board is unique and each of our board reviews is unique. We tailor our practical and tested approaches to your board and governance requirements to get to the heart of what makes good governance and good sense for your organisation. Good governance is not just about compliance with codes and rules – it must be useful to your organisation and deliver for your stakeholders. We take a practical approach focusing on the outcomes.

Our experience of having conducted hundreds of reviews is reflected in our tried and tested model, which enables us to consistently identify how the board can improve its impact, and our proprietary Thinking Board® analytics platform goes beyond data to provide practical insights and a roadmap for improving effectiveness.