Retired membership; FAQs

What is a retired membership?

Retired membership is open to any member, irrespective of grade who has reached the age of 66 (UK state pensionable age) and is no longer working either full or part time, in either a professional remunerated capacity.

How old do I need to be to qualify for the retired rate?

You will need to be 66 (UK state pensionable age). However, we do acknowledge that circumstances may differ depending on the country where you are based and your personal situation so please do get in touch if you are unsure about your eligibility.

How much is retired membership?

The fees are set by the CGIUKI Board and are reviewed annually. For the 2021/22 membership year the fees are £155 (for members based in the UK and some overseas territories) and £95 for members who qualify for the Reduced Country Rate.

I still work in governance but on a voluntary basis, do I qualify for the retired rate?

We know that many of our retired members do like to give something back and it is not our intention to prevent this. So if you are working pro bono for a small concern, supporting a local charity or community cause or an organisation which is close to your heart you will be eligible to apply for the retired rate.

However, if you are retired but continuing to act in a professional capacity in governance, for example as a Non-Executive Director for a substantial organisation, you would be required to remain on the full rate as it is the Institute’s view that the reliance on a member’s professional knowledge and standing is no different if it is provided it in a voluntary capacity as opposed to paid employment.

Do I need to undertake CPD?

No fully retired members, on the retired concession are given a full exemption from CPD.

Can I continue to use my designations?

Our retired members can continue to use their post nominals. In addition, our retired Associates and Fellows can retain their chartered designations – Chartered Secretary and/or Chartered Governance Professional. Continued use of post nominals and chartered designations illustrates the contribution you have made to the Institute, to the profession, to upholding standards and values, as we realise this doesn’t stop because you are retired. If you remain with us, you can continue to use your designations.

Is there any diminution in the benefits I receive?

No not at all, we will continue to support you and offer you a range of benefits and services such as access to your local branch, G+C Magazine and invitations to attend national and regional events.

I have more time now, how can I get involved?

We would love to utilise your knowledge and experience and there are several ways you can support the Institute and the next generation of governance professionals. Retired members can continue to take part in our governance, by supporting the Annual General Meeting and voting in Council elections. You could join one of our special interest groups or get more involved in your local branch. Being a mentor is also a great way to give something back and to share your expertise as is advocating the Institute by promoting us and the profession in a positive way.

How do I move to the retired rate?

Please read the Retired Rate policy first to check your eligibility. You will then be taken to a link, to apply online. Your request to move onto the Retired Rate concession will be reviewed and you will be notified of the decision in due course. The new rate of membership will come into effect at your next renewal.

My circumstances have changed and I am now working, what do I do?

Please speak to a member of the team to discuss the changes. We will then be able to advise you accordingly. You can email us or call the team on +44(0)20 7580 4741.

Am I still obliged to adhere to the Code of Professional Ethics and Conduct?

Yes and you are also required to uphold the Byelaws.

Have a further question?

If you can’t find the answer you are looking for then please contact the membership team by email or call the team on +44(0)20 7580 4741.

The 2024 Awards ceremony will take place on 5 November 2024 at the Royal Lancaster Hotel, Hyde Park, London.

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