Legal and policy

Terms and Conditions for Use of Site

These are the terms and conditions of the The Chartered Governance Institute and our wholly owned subsidiary training company CGI Business Services Ltd (together "The Chartered Governance Institute"). Our corporate and contact details are at the end of these terms.

Statement of Investment Principles – Institute of Chartered Secretaries Pension and Assurance Scheme (the scheme)

The Statement of Investment Principles explains the policies which determine how the scheme invests and includes the principles governing how investment decisions are made.


Modern Slavery Statement

The Chartered Governance Institute is committed to upholding the highest ethical and professional standards. It is compliant with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and endeavours to ensure that neither it, not its employees or workers have been convicted of any offence involving slavery and human trafficking nor have been the subject of any investigation or enforcement proceedings regarding any such offence or alleged offence.  The Chartered Governance Institute will use its best endeavours to obtain the same confirmation from its sub-contractors and to ensure that its supply chains are slavery and human trafficking free.