Jamaica 533X300


Welcome to The Chartered Governance Institute, Jamaica branch. We provide support to the Institute's members and students in Jamaica, Cuba and Haiti.

About Us

We provide support to the Institute's members and students in the region.

The aims of the branch are:

  • To offer CPD and networking events for members and non-members alike.
  • To support and encourage students.
  • To promote the profession in Jamaica and surrounding areas.

Upcoming events

The Jamaica branch offers a variety of events to support your professional development at every stage of your career. Whether you to want brush up on your knowledge and skills, network with peers or add to your CPD, we run sessions on a variety of topics and in a variety of formats, with contributions from experts and guest speakers across the governance community.
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Upcoming virtual branch event

Hot Topics

The North West and East Midlands branches invite you to a webinar to hear about Governance Hot Topics
Date: Monday 22 July 2024 Venue: Online Registration: 5:45pm Start: 6:00pm End: 7:00pm CPD: 1 Hour Price: Free The North West and East Midlands branches invite you to a webinar to hear about Governance Hot Topics Peter Swabey will take us through what he considers to be the latest hot topics for governance professionals, with time for Q&A at the end.
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Networking event

Networking coffee group

oin our North West of England branch for this event on Tuesday 23 July 2024.
Date: Tuesday 23 July 2024 Venue: Haunt Manchester St Georges House 58 Peter St, Manchester M2 3NQ Start: 9:30am End: 11:00am Price: Free The CGIUKI North West branch would like to invite you to a networking coffee group we are hosting on Tuesday 23 July 2024. Join us in a relaxing environment to informally meet and chat with others within the local CGIUKI network. Have a coffee and share stories, skills, knowledge and expertise. Guests are welcome. Free to attend. Drinks will be at your own expense.

Latest Blogs

Taking Notes Blog Hero

Four things you need to know about the UK Corporate Governance Code 2024

The FRC highlight key changes to the UK Corporate Governance Code of which company secretaries should be aware.
Critical Thinking Blog Hero

The truth is not enough − how to interrogate information effectively

CGIUKI’s inaugural Annual Lecture was a hugely successful evening including a deeply engaging lecture on the topic of misinformation and bias.
Tips For Board Effectiveness Blog Hero

Seven tips for board effectiveness

In a recent episode of the Enter the Boardroom podcast, Oliver Cummings, CEO of Nurole, discusses industry top tips on making the board as effective as it can be.

Meet the team

The Chartered Governance Institute UK & Ireland maintains a presence in Jamaica through its local branch committee. The local branch strives to enhance the presence of the Institute within Jamaica and surrounding areas, to support members and students throughout their careers and study programmes, as qualified or aspiring governance professionals. If you are interested in joining the committee, please contact us.
Elizabeth Pottinger Web
Branch Chair

Elizabeth Henry Pottinger FCGI, LLB, CLE

Elizabeth has been employed as a Senior Manager and Company Secretary with the firm KPMG for over 22 years and has combined professional experience in the full range of Company Secretarial services of over 30 years. Her experience is wide ranging and includes corporate Secretarial functions for several publicly listed companies and their subsidiaries, KPMG’s team lead for Initial Public Offerings for client’s public share offers. Her experience includes corporate governance, share registration, liquidations, and board room assistance for advice and minute taking. Elizabeth is the current Chair of the Jamaica Branch of the Chartered Governance Institute and is the holder of an LLB designation from the University of London and Certificate of Legal Education from The Norman Manley Law School. In 2019 she was awarded the CGI President’s Medal for Corporate Governance.
Stephanie Neita Web
Deputy Branch Chair

Stephanie Neita, ACG, BSc, MBA

Stephanie Neita is a Chartered Governance and Compliance professional with approximately 20 years’ experience in the disciplines. She is currently employed to National Commercial Bank Jamaica Limited (“NCBJ”) where she provides corporate secretarial services for companies within the NCB Group covering multiple jurisdictions and assists with the administration of the AML/CFT compliance programme for NCBJ and its subsidiaries. Prior to being employed to NCBJ, she was a part of another Group of companies involved in the financial and communications sectors, performing corporate secretarial and compliance functions as well as operating as the administrator of the self-administered pension fund for the group. A Jamaican national, Stephanie is a Member of the Chartered Governance Institute and the International Compliance Association and holds a BSc Degree in Management as well as an MBA in addition to Diplomas in Personnel Management and Industrial Relations as well as Strategic Project Management.
Marvia Williams Web
Branch Secretary

Marvia Williams, FCG, LLB

Marvia Williams is a Chartered Governance Professional with over 24 years in practice in private and publicly listed companies. Prior to launching her private practice, She served as Senior Corporate Secretary of the GraceKennedy Group, and before then as Group Assistant Company Secretary and Registrar for the Lascelles de Mercado Group of Companies. Through her work on the Jamaica Rum Geographical Indications Task Force and her management of the Lascelles De Mercado Trademark portfolio of over 40 entities, Marvia has gained significant experience in Trademarks protection and monitoring. Having served as Company Secretary for a diverse range of entities including regulated entities, public companies and Groups of Companies, she prides herself on ensuring regulatory compliance in the companies within her portfolio. Marvia is currently the Secretary of the Jamaica Branch of the CGI and has served in this capacity since 1995. She has been an Associate of the Governance Institute (formerly ICSA) since 1995 and holds an LLB from the University of London. She has also received formal training on Trademarks through the World Intellectual Property Worldwide Academy and participated in a Geographical Indications study tour in Switzerland.

Committee Members

Committee members

  • Rhonda Adams, FCG – A former Company Secretary of Pricewaterhouse Coopers in Jamaica, who is currently in private practice providing support to both private and publicly listed entities.
  • Denise Douglas, ACG – Assistant Secretary/Treasurer- Currently in public practice for over 10 years, providing support to both private and publicly listed entities.
  • Gene Douglas, FCG – Treasurer – Retired former Company Secretary of PanCaribbean Group of Companies and Red Stripe. Currently in private practice providing support to both private and publicly listed entities.
  • Christina Howell, Grad, ACG  – Company Secretary of Jamaica Urban Transit Company, and currently in law school.
  • Sharon Prendergast, ACG– Currently Company Secretary of GraceKennedy Financial Group
  • Ann-Marie Whyte, ACG – Currently in law school, and previously company secretary in the banking industry
  • Anna Young, FCG, LLB – Currently in private practice for over 15 years and serves as company secretary for several publicly listed companies.

Contact the Jamaica branch

For membership and study enquiries please contact the student and membership team:

For branch support and event queries please contact the branch support team