
Explore Membership

Whether you’re considering CGIUKI membership or you are currently a member wanting to ensure you are getting the most out of your membership, or seeking guidance on some aspect of your membership, we are here to signpost you to the resources and answers you need.

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Membership Benefits

Whatever stage you are at in your membership journey, it is important that you take time to get the most of CGIUKI membership, which offers you so much more than a qualification.

Already a member?

You may be underway in your CGIUKI membership journey, have completed your qualification and currently you are gaining valuable work experience backed up by continuous professional development (CPD). Consider whether it is time for an upgrade, from graduate status to Associate or from Associate to Fellow. And are you making the most of your post-nominals, which are an important mark of your status?

Membership Renewal

The membership year runs from 1 August to 31 July, and to ensure there is no lapse or break in your membership, it is important to renew your membership as soon as you are notified, normally in the June to July prior to the membership year end.

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Manage your membership

As a CGIUKI member or student, you can update your details, including your communication preferences, log your CPD, book the latest exam and much more, via your myCG portal.

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Governance of your membership

As a professional membership body of 130+ years’ standing and the home of good governance, you would expect that we have a series of codes, terms and regulations to ensure that all our members are upholding the standards that we set. Please refer to any of these documents, following our useful links below.