Student rules and regulations

CGIUKI Level 5 International Finance and Administration


‘CGIUKI’ or ‘we’ means The Chartered Governance Institute UK & Ireland.

‘Student’ or ‘you’ means the person registered or applying to be registered as an CGIUKI student.

‘IFA’ means the CGIUKI Level 5 International Finance and Administration suite of qualifications, or any one of the qualifications included in the suite.

‘Course’ means the course of study and assessment for which the student seeks registration including all support and services provided by CGIUKI in order for the student to complete the appropriate study.

‘Application’ means the application for registration submitted by the student in accordance with the student rules and regulations.

‘Agreement’ means this contract between CGIUKI and the student and comes into effect on the date that an application is received and accepted by CGIUKI as suitable for registration and notice of such acceptance has been issued to the student.

1            Membership rights and code of conduct

1.1         When you register as an CGIUKI student and receive confirmation from CGIUKI that you have been registered, you can describe yourself as an ‘CGIUKI student’. You cannot describe yourself as a member of CGIUKI or as a chartered secretary until you have completed the Chartered Secretaries Qualifying Scheme, have fully satisfied the requirements of the Byelaws for election to membership and have been elected to membership by CGIUKI’s governing body.

1.2         As an CGIUKI student, you agree to behave in accordance with the CGIUKI Code of Professional Ethics and Conduct. If you fail to do so, it could lead to disciplinary action and could affect your ability to continue studying or, on completion of the examinations, to be accepted as an CGIUKI member.

2            Registration as a new student on the CGIUKI Level 5 International Finance and Administration suite of qualifications (IFA)

2.1         You may register with CGIUKI as an IFA student at any time.

2.2         There are entry criteria which will determine whether we accept your registration as a student. You need to have completed one of the following qualifications to be eligible for IFA Level 5:

  • CGIUKI Level 4 Certificate in International Finance and Administration
  • CGIUKI Certificate in Offshore Finance and Administration
  • A relevant undergraduate university degree from a recognised institution (CGIUKI uses the UK NARIC database).
  • A Higher National Diploma from a recognised institution.
  • Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP) Diploma in International Trust Management.
  • An International Diploma in Financial Administration (IDFA)

2.3         We may allow entry to IFA for other qualifications you hold. This is allowed at the discretion of CGIUKI.

2.4         You must use the IFA student registration paper form or the online registration process at the CGIUKI website,

2.5         To verify that you meet the IFA entry requirements, you will need to send us proof that you have attained the relevant qualifications within 10 working days of completing your registration. If you are registering using paper forms you can send legible photocopies of your certificates or a transcript of your results. If you are registering online you can upload scanned copies of these documents.

2.6         If you have successfully passed the CGIUKI Level 4 Certificate in International Finance and Administration or CGIUKI Certificate in Offshore Finance and Administration at the time you register for IFA Level 5, you do not need to send us your certificate.

2.7         When you submit your registration you need to pay the course fee in full. Once your registration has been accepted, the course fee is non-refundable.

2.8         You will not be registered as a student until payment of the course fee has been received in full and your entry criteria have been checked and accepted.

2.9         If you are not considered eligible for entry to IFA, your course fee will be returned to you with a £50 administration fee deducted.

2.10       The course fee includes: syllabus; electronic copy of study material for each module you are required to take; login to access study support material in the MyCG area of the CGIUKI website; one exam entry for each subject of your qualification and one year’s CGIUKI Affiliate status upon completion of the course.

2.11       There are no exemptions for entry to IFA.

3            Re-registration as an IFA student

3.1         If you were registered as an IFA student in the past but let your student status lapse, you will have to pay the full course fee to re-register.

3.2         If you passed IFA exams when you were previously registered, we will not be able to count those pass grades when you re-register. This is to ensure that all students we qualify have current knowledge and skills.  

3.3         Any students who have previously been removed from the register, for reasons such as repeated examination failure or breach of the Code of Professional Ethics and Conduct, will not be able to re-register as an CGIUKI student.

4            Fee payment

4.1         All fees are payable to CGIUKI in sterling. Other currencies will not be accepted.

4.2         You need to pay the correct fees at the same time as you register for the course or enter to re-sit an exam.

4.3         Your application will not be processed until CGIUKI receives full payment and any outstanding payments are settled.

4.4         CGIUKI reserves the right either to withdraw a student’s examination entry or to withhold their examination results until any outstanding fees are settled in full.

5            Entering for IFA examinations

5.1         You must select which exam you intend to sit first, and at which exam session, when you complete your registration.

5.2         You must attempt the first exam for your IFA qualification in one of the next two exam sessions after you register.

5.3         If you do not indicate the exam session you are entering for when you complete your registration, you will be entered for the next available exam session by default.

5.4         There is a time limit in which you must attempt each exam in your IFA qualification for the first time. This time limit starts from the date of your first exam:

Level 5 Advanced Certificate in International Finance and Administration – there are two exams for this Advanced Certificate. You must attempt the first exam in one of the next two sessions after you register. You must then attempt the exam for your second subject within one year of your first exam attempt (i.e. in the next two exam sessions after your first exam).

Level 5 Subsidiary Diploma in International Finance and Administration – there are three exams for this Subsidiary Diploma. You must attempt the first exam in one of the next two sessions after you register. You must then attempt the exam for your second and third subjects within 18 months of your first exam attempt (i.e. in the next three exam sessions after your first exam).

Level 5 Diploma in International Finance and Administration – there are four exams for this Diploma. You must attempt the first exam in one of the next two sessions after you register. You must then attempt the exam for your second, third and fourth subjects within 2 years of your first exam attempt (i.e. in the next four exam sessions after your first exam).

5.5         If you do not attempt all the exams for your IFA qualification within these time limits, you will be removed as an IFA student.

5.6         You can enter for a maximum of two CGIUKI exams at each exam session. We recommend that when you first take IFA exams you enter for only one exam at that session.

5.7         When you register as an IFA student you need to make sure that you have enough time to study and prepare to take the exams. We do not recommend that you start your studies after the closing date for exam entry.

5.8         After your exam entries have been confirmed, if you want to change an exam entry or defer to another session, you must do this before the closing date for exam entry.

5.9         If you want to change or defer your exam entry you will need to pay an administration fee for each request before CGIUKI can process this.

5.10       After the closing date for entry for the examination, you will not be able to change your entry unless there are very exceptional circumstances.

5.11       After you enter to sit an exam, you cannot transfer your exam fee to another module or to another student.

5.12       If you fail any IFA exam, you are allowed three opportunities to re-sit it.

5.13       The time limit for completing any re-sit exams is four years from the date of your first IFA exam attempt.   

5.14       You will need to apply to re-sit using the relevant form at the next exam session.

5.15       Re-sits are not included in the fee for your IFA qualification. You will need to pay separately for any exams you need to re-sit. 

5.16       We need to apply these rules for exam entry to all CGIUKI students, but we will consider exceptions in individual cases if there is sufficient supporting evidence.

6            Admission to the exam

6.1         Exam admission slips will be published around five weeks before the date of the exam. The admission slip will include the details of your exam centre.

6.2         You will need to log in to MyCG to download your exam admission slip.

6.3         You should check your exam admission slip carefully and contact CGIUKI immediately if you think the information there is not correct.

6.4         If you are unable to download or print your admission slip, you must contact CGIUKI.

6.5         You must read and comply with the CGIUKI instructions to candidates, available under the MyCG section of the CGIUKI website.

7            Postponing an exam

7.1         If you are unable to sit an exam for reasons such as ill health or a close personal bereavement immediately before the examination, you can apply to postpone your entry until the next session.

7.2         Postponements are granted at CGIUKI’s discretion and an application for postponement must be supported by medical certificate(s) and/or other relevant documentation. CGIUKI cannot consider a postponement without the supporting documentation.

7.3         Postponements due to work commitments are not permitted under any circumstances.

7.4         If you are applying for postponement you must contact CGIUKI as soon as possible. The latest you can contact us is four weeks after the exam.

7.5         If CGIUKI allows you to postpone an exam, you will need to take it at the next exam session.

7.6         You will need to pay a postponement fee for each module you postpone.

8            Absence from an exam

8.1         If you are absent from an exam without the permission of CGIUKI, this will be counted as a ‘Fail’ result.

8.2         If you are absent from an exam for a good reason, you can contact CGIUKI to explain why.
At CGIUKI’s discretion, your result may be changed from ‘Fail’ to ‘Withdrawn’.

9            Exam results

9.1         Exam results are published in the MyCG area of the CGIUKI website and are sent by email.

9.2         You are not able to appeal your exam result or request re-marking on the grounds that you do not agree with the mark awarded.

9.3         If you believe any circumstance may have affected your performance in the examination, you may request for this to be considered before results are released. You must inform CGIUKI in accordance with the instructions outlined in the CGIUKI instructions for candidates.

9.4         After exam results have been published, CGIUKI reserves the right to use your examination answers for study support purposes. Your answers would always be used anonymously.

10          Certificates

10.1       Your certificate will be issued when you have passed all the exams required for your IFA qualification.

10.2       If you subsequently decide to upgrade your qualification by taking more IFA exams, you may contact us to arrange this but after you complete the new qualification we will ask you to return your existing certificate before we issue any new one.

11          Affiliate status

11.1       After you complete your IFA qualification, you will receive one year’s CGIUKI Affiliateship free of charge.

11.2       If you decide to upgrade your qualification by taking more IFA exams during your one-year of free CGIUKI Affiliateship, it will be suspended until you have completed the next qualification.

11.3       Your Affiliateship will then be reinstated when you complete the next qualification for the remaining time left of the one year period taken from the date of its suspension.

12          Post-nominal letters

12.1      You cannot use any post-nominal letters if you are awarded the CGIUKI Level 5 Advanced Certificate in International Finance and Administration or if you are awarded the CGIUKI Level 5 Subsidiary Diploma in International Finance and Administration.

13          Removal from the register

CGIUKI reserves the right to remove students from the register without refund of fees in the event of the following circumstances:

13.1       Failing any IFA exam four times. An ‘Absent’ result will count as a fail.

13.2       Not attempting any IFA exams for a period of two years.

13.3       Not attempting the compulsory exams for any IFA qualification within the required time limit.

13.4       A student has held themselves out to be a chartered secretary or a full chartered member

13.5       It has been determined that a student has breached CGIUKI’s Code of Professional Ethics
and Conduct.

13.6       Non-compliance with CGIUKI’s student rules and regulations, including these rules, the instructions for candidates to be observed during the exam and the instructions of
exam invigilators.

13.7       Non-payment of student fees.

14          Student agreement

As an CGIUKI student you agree:

14.1       To abide by these student rules and regulations as stipulated from time to time.

14.2       To undertake the appropriate course of study under your own responsibility as to how, when and where such study shall take place.

14.3       To observe any deadline dates set by CGIUKI for examination entry, exam deferral and postponement, request of script reports and other matters related to your course.

14.4       To inform CGIUKI of any breaks or delays in your study programme which prevent you from taking any exams over two consecutive exam sessions.

14.5       To keep any information provided by CGIUKI and any correspondence with CGIUKI confidential.

14.6       To be responsible for any consequences arising out of the publication, loss or disclosure by you of your online registration information such as MyCG username and password.

14.7       To remain responsible for all fees and charges and to pay all such fees and charges as stipulated by CGIUKI for the course.

14.8       Not to infringe, and to take all reasonable steps to protect, the copyright or other intellectual property rights of CGIUKI.

15          CGIUKI agreement

As the examining and awarding body, we agree:

15.1       To make available at regular intervals a programme of examinations/assessment necessary to complete each module and to allow the student entry to the first available date chosen by the student and notified to CGIUKI in accordance with the student regulations.

15.2       To treat our students with courtesy and respect.

15.3       To treat our students fairly and consistently.

15.4       To deliver a quality service to our students.

16          Termination of student status

CGIUKI reserves the right to terminate the student’s registration at any time and without notice in the event that the student breaches any of his or her obligations under this agreement or takes any action which, in the opinion of CGIUKI, might be construed as bringing CGIUKI into disrepute or for any other reason which, in the opinion of CGIUKI, justifies such action.

17          Force majeure

CGIUKI shall not be liable for non-performance of any of its obligations under the agreement due to circumstances beyond its reasonable control.

18          Severability

If at any time any part or parts of this agreement are held to be unenforceable, illegal or otherwise not valid, either wholly or in part, the remaining parts of this agreement shall continue to be binding and in effect.

19          Governing law

The agreement and all rights and obligations of the parties hereto shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of England and, unless otherwise agreed, the parties hereby submit themselves to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.

20          Statutory rights

Nothing in these rules and regulations shall operate to affect the statutory rights of either party.

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