Every organisation is different, but there are trends in what training we are asked to provide, and every course can be tailored to your specific needs.
Effective Minute Taking
Taking effective and efficient minutes is an art, this training uncovers why minutes are taken, what issues might come up and how to effectively communicate and build relationships with key stakeholders.
Effective Chairing Skills
Three words define an effective chair – confidence, assertiveness, and time-management. This training explores the practical skills needed to truly lead a group, improve participation, and get more out of every meeting.
Directors’ Duties
Explore the real duties and liabilities of a director, as well as how to manage stakeholder relationships, and learn how to develop and implement good practice in the boardroom and beyond.
Non-Executive Directors' programme
Maximise the effectiveness of your NEDs by helping them understand their responsibilities and the legal frameworks they operate within. They will also learn how to ask difficult questions of the board and support effective decision making.
We know that off the shelf isn’t always what you need, and we are happy to put together a bespoke packed that combines elements of a number of different topics to make sure you get the right training for your organisation.
For a confidential chat about your needs, please contact the team on 020 7612 7027 or email [email protected].
To discuss your organisations needs and how we can support you, please call 020 7612 7027 or email [email protected].
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