
Please expand the dropdown to see the course programme and highlights.

The purpose and types of board and committee meetings

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  • The purpose of a board meeting
  • The context that sets the need for the meeting
  • The types of meeting (routine, extraordinary, virtual, paper only)
  • Corporate calendar: a year in the life of a board
  • The structures behind different meetings

Delivering effective board and committee meetings

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  • Notice and frequency of meetings, depending on context and constitution
  • Creating a board work plan
  • Composing an effective board meeting agenda
  • Quoracy and its importance
  • Working effectively with the chair
  • Common mistakes and spotting red flags

Managing board papers

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  • What does a good board paper look like?
  • Calling for papers
  • Advising on and collating board papers
  • Board paper distribution

Enabling effective board and committee meetings

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  • Ergonomics of meetings and the use of technology
  • The role of the chair and supporting the chair
  • Behaviours in the boardroom

If you need any further assistance or advice, please call +44 (0)20 7580 4741 or contact us


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