
Remote working competencies


The author of this blog is Chrissie Coates, Managing Director, U Transition

Competencies have been used to help organisations recruit, manage and develop their employees for decades. A 2015 study by Deloitte showed that 89% of ‘best-in-class organisations’ had competencies defined for all roles.

With remote working having been forced upon us recently, and the likelihood that it will be very much part of the way we work going forwards, it makes sense to assess how well our teams and we stack up against remote working competencies, to get real data-driven insights, not guess, at how well we are coping.

Competencies typically fall into three categories:

U Transition has a set of remote working competencies for the leader and for the employee and the overview report for leader or employee is currently free.

Remote leadership competencies are designed to support leaders to communicate effectively with employees who are working remotely and guide them to remain productive.

We measure:

  • Managing remote productivity
  • Managing remote communication

Remote work competencies are designed to support employees to be productive and communicate effectively while working remotely.

We measure:

  • Remote productivity
  • Remote communication

If you would like to support successful remote working in both leaders and employees and minimise stressors by identify development gaps and addressing training, why not utilise the free overview? Contact me on +44 (0)7828 496 38

Watch the webinar for tips to help you lead your team remotely