
Tips for leading remotely

The author of this blog is Chrissie Coates, Managing Director, U Transition.

Leading self

Everything begins and ends with us. Before we can lead others, we have to be able to lead ourselves.

  • Learning strategies to manage our mindset and anxieties helps us lead more effectively.

Leading others

Remember, they are still the same people they were before lockdown, with the same performance status so require the same support.

We also need to work at creating conscious and intentional human connections when leading remotely.

So over-communicate:

  • Tell them what we know and what we don’t
  • Set clear expectations
  • Hold them to account

Continue to develop them:

  • Who can we delegate to?
  • Who will step up?
  • Are there opportunities because of furlough or sickness?

Resources and processes

Routines are important, so structure days as we would in the office:

  • Start and finish at the usual time
  • Have a designated workspace and ‘go’ to the office
  • Communicate expectations with family at home. Be clear when it’s ok (or not) to be interrupted
  • Everyone should be consistently using the same technology and systems

And importantly, what are we learning about ourselves and our teams during lockdown that we can leverage for the future?

For more information, watch my webinar