Cultural markers in charities
The operating environment for charities has become less benign in recent years. Changes in state funding for charities, the need for more diverse and creative income generation and concerns about executive pay, fundraising practices and the governance of some high-profile charities have all led to a perception that public trust in the sector is in decline.
Organisational culture in sport
CGIUKI’s new report on organisational culture in sport, drawing on contributions from those engaged in running sports organisations and experts in the sector, considers some of the pressures which sports bodies face in terms of their organisational culture and gives those in leadership roles an indication of where to look in their organisation for evidence of the prevailing culture.
Future of Sports Governance – Beyond Autonomy
The Future of Sports Governance – Beyond Autonomy is the latest in Institute’s Future of Governance series which looks at key areas of the economy in turn, addressing the principal issues in the governance environment and reflecting on future directions.
The Future Board: Getting in Shape for Tomorrow’s Challenges
The purpose of this report is to ask: is the traditional model of the board capable of meeting the expectations we now place on it, and is it the most efficient way of doing so? And is there a need for radical thinking about what boards do and what they look like to equip them for the future?