Building a Balanced Board: Thoughts on the Challenges of Board Composition
In May 2019, as part of a partnership with Diligent Corporation, looking at the challenges facing the 21st century board and the company secretary’s role in supporting and guiding chairs and boards to meet these challenges, The Chartered Governance Institute UK & Ireland convened a roundtable to discuss the issues of board composition and diversity from a range of perspectives. What is the size and scale of the challenge that companies face in building a balanced board?
ESG: A maturity matrix for charities
This paper seeks to outline the rise of environmental, social (or sustainability1) and governance factors (ESG) in the commercial sector and explain how they will become increasingly relevant to modern charities. It covers the drive behind the increasing use of ESG factors in investment decisions, reputational risks, environmental awareness amongst consumers and clients and the need to attract talent with different motivations to work.
Review of the effectiveness of independent board evaluation in the UK listed sector
Engaging an independent reviewer can bring greater objectivity and fresh insights to the process, and to help the board identify any issues that it might need to address. It can also provide some reassurance to stakeholders that the board takes its responsibilities seriously.