The complete study guide for the Accounting modules of our Level 4 International Finance and Administration qualifications. This guide gives you an insight into the purpose of accounting, looks at how financial information is collected, recorded and processed and examines the importance of producing accurate financial statements. It also discusses the content and purpose of financial statements and guides you in presenting this information in a meaningful way to a range of end users.
To help students apply principles and theory to real-life business situations, this text contains:
- Case law and case examples
- ‘Test yourself’ questions with full, worked answers
- Worked examples and ‘stop and think’ scenarios

Designed as an introductory programme for those who work, or want to work, in international finance, our IFA qualifications are transferable across jurisdictions. The qualifications are regulator-recognised in Jersey, Guernsey, the Isle of Man and the British Virgin Islands.
Published: December 2018 | ISBN: 9781860727313
Author: David Frederick
Part One: The accounting environment
1. Introduction to accounting
2. Accounting regulatory framework
Part Two: Recording financial information
3. The accounting equation
4. Accounting system and accounting records
5. Double-entry bookkeeping
Part Three: Accounting controls
6. Trial balance to financial statements
7. Accounting for fixed assets
8. The internal controls
Part Four: Reporting and analysing financial information
9. Preparing financial statements: sole trader
10. Preparing financial statements: limited companies and not-for-profit organisations
11. Interpretation of financial statements