Please note, this is the 4th edition of the study text for the November 2025 exam session.
All modules are published in the new digital format as PDF downloads. Study materials will not be available in print format.
Designed for those on the journey to becoming a Chartered Governance Professional, our Company Law study text provides you with knowledge of legal frameworks relevant to the organisation of a business and highlights the links between company law and corporate governance.
It covers the sources of company law; the board of directors, including appointment, remuneration and disqualification; company memberships; capital and corporate transparency and corporate restructuring and liquidation.
This study text details all you need to know. It contains:
- Worked examples and ‘Test Yourself’ questions with full, worked answers
- Case studies and ‘Stop and Think’ scenarios to help you apply your knowledge
- Comprehensive chapter summaries to aid your revision.
This fourth edition is updated with the latest developments in:
- Acts of parliament and legal changes such as the Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act 2023 and Financial Services and Markets Act 2023
- The UK Corporate Governance Code 2024
- Changes to offering shares and securities to the public
- Changes to the ways that a public company lists its securities
- Changes to the Prospectus Regulation Rules (PRR).
Find out how to register for The Chartered Governance Qualifying Programme.

4th Edition
Published: November 2024 | ISBN: 9781860728383
Author: Lee Roach
- Sources of company law and governance
- Business structures
- Incorporation and corporate personality
- Legally binding the company
- The board of directors
- The role of the board
- Director’s duties
- Membership
- Company meetings and decision-making
- Member’s remedies
- Shares and share capital
- The capital maintenance rules
- Loan capital
- Corporate transparency
- Market abuse
- Corporate restructuring and takeovers
- Corporate rescue
- Liquidation and dissolution
Digital PDF - £44.95
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