Please note, this is the study text for the June 2024 and November 2024 exam sessions.
All modules are published in the new digital format as PDF downloads. Study materials will not be available in print format.
To further note: If you intend on applying for the Fast Track Professional entry route, while waiting for the new system to go live for applications, you can purchase your two study textbooks (Corporate Governance and Risk Management) ahead of your registration. We appreciate the importance of study time, and due to the system closure, we recommend that all pending applicants purchase the books.
Designed for those on the journey to becoming a Chartered Governance Professional, our Corporate Governance study text provides the knowledge and skills necessary for a company secretary or governance professional to act as chief adviser to the board and other stakeholders and as the facilitator for systematic application of good governance practices.
It covers the general principles of governance both within the UK and internationally and discusses a variety of subjects surrounding the board such as roles and responsibilities, conflicts of interests, performance evaluation and risk management. Accountability and social responsibility are covered along with how to manage relations with shareholders and the remuneration of senior staff.
Find out how to register for The Chartered Governance Qualifying Programme.
Published: August 2021 | ISBN: 9781860728242
Author: Alison Dillon Kibirige

This study text details all you need to know. It contains:
- Worked examples and ‘Test Yourself’ questions with full, worked answers
- Case studies and ‘Stop and Think’ scenarios to help you apply your knowledge
- Comprehensive chapter summaries to aid your revision.
- Definitions and issues in corporate governance
- Corporate governance in the UK
- Role of the company secretary in governance
- Other governance issues
- Director’s duties and powers
- The role and membership of the board of directors
- Board composition and succession planning
- Board effectiveness
- Financial reporting to stakeholders and external audit
- Corporate social responsibility, sustainability and business ethics
- Corporate responsibility and reporting on non-financial issues
- Systems of risk management and internal control
- Risk structures, policies, procedures and compliance
- Shareholders rights and engagement
- Board engagement with shareholders and other stakeholders
- Remuneration of directors and senior executives
Digital PDF - £44.95