Guidance note
Terms of Reference for the Sustainability or ESG committee
Such a committee is not a requirement, but there are increasing numbers of them. This guidance note sets out how to ensure this committee adopts good practice in accordance with other committee recommendations under the UK Corporate Governance Code.

Guidance Note
Specimen charity merger documents
The issue of executive pay in the charity sector (and other parts of the economy) regularly attracts the attention of the media and sector commentators. Regardless of views as to what is deemed to be an appropriate level of remuneration for senior leaders in diverse and complex organisations as those found in the charity sector, there is an expectation that charities should be transparent about how they spend their resources. This includes the level of remuneration paid to senior staff members.

Guidance Note
Model terms of reference for the Audit and Risk Committee of an academy trust
This guidance note proposes model terms of reference for the audit and risk committee of an academy trust seeking to comply fully with the requirements of the Department for Education’s (DfE) and the Education and Skills Funding Agency’s (ESFA) guidance.
A collection of guidance and exemplar materials packed with expert advice for company secretaries and other governance professionals.