Guidance Note

Specimen skills register for charity trustees

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For a charity to build and maintain an effective trustee board capable of fulfilling the charitable objects, it is imperative that the trustees collectively possess a range of skills, knowledge, attributes and experience. This makes it possible to further the charity’s aims and implement the strategic and business plans of the organisation.

The Charity Governance Code recommends that boards regularly carry out an audit of the skills and experience of their members. Undertaking a regular assessment of the skills available on the trustee board, and comparing it to the strategic plan can help identify those skills and competencies most desired to realise the plans agreed and deliver the impact to beneficiaries as detailed in the governing document. Where there is an identified gap between the stated skills required and those currently available, the charity may decide to specifically recruit trustees with those skills, provide training for existing trustees, co-opt individuals, or engage an external professional to provide the necessary input required.

This guidance provides a specimen skills register for charity trustee boards and should be read in conjunction with other guidance notes in the charity series.

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