Guidance Note

The virtuous circle of good charity governance

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Of interest to those involved in the governance of charities.

It is often said that good governance is essential to a successful organisation. Whatever the sector, type of organisation or activity there are many examples of entities failing to deliver their goals and the impact that has had on the communities they claim to serve. At the heart of these failures, at home and abroad, there can generally be found some indication of weak, inappropriate or missing governance. Consequently, governments, regulators, policymakers and influencers have developed codes of governance, standards and regulatory requirements to raise the quality and effectiveness of governance in each sector of the economy.

This paper seeks to meet the challenge of those sceptical about the real benefits of good governance and provide those new to governance in the charity sector with a better understanding of the 'virtuous circle of good governance' and how it can enable a charity to achieve its goals.

This document includes:

  • What is governance?
  • The charity sector
  • Linking good governance to organisational performance
  • Virtuous circles
  • Theory of change
  • Theory of change context
  • Theory of change assumptions
  • The virtuous circle of good charity governance
  • Good governance outcomes
  • Measuring the impact of good governance
  • Charity Governance Code
  • A diagnostic tool for measuring good governance.

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