- 1 April 2021
This guidance note is aimed at trustees in England and Wales and can be adapted for any size of charity to reflect good practice for each organisation’s needs. This document, along with other Institute guidance notes, should provide sufficient detail for trustees and others interested in governance to think about the governance arrangements within their own charity and apply those aspects of good practice that are most appropriate and proportionate.
It is good practice for each charity to undertake a periodic review of their governance arrangements as the charity evolves and, where appropriate, amend policies, procedures, and the governing document to ensure that they remain fit for purpose and are structured in the most effective way to meet the charity’s objects and the environment in which it operates.
The Charity Governance Code states that ‘The board has a key impact on whether a charity thrives. The tone the board sets through its leadership, behaviour, culture and overall performance is critical to the charity’s success’. As such, it is crucial that trustees understand what makes for effective practices in the boardroom. This guidance aims to support and augment the recommendations contained in the Code and covers wide ranging aspects of charity governance.