Guidance Note
ESG: A maturity matrix for charities
This paper seeks to outline the rise of environmental, social (or sustainability1) and governance factors (ESG) in the commercial sector and explain how they will become increasingly relevant to modern charities. It covers the drive behind the increasing use of ESG factors in investment decisions, reputational risks, environmental awareness amongst consumers and clients and the need to attract talent with different motivations to work.

Recorded Webinar
Trust me, I'm listed Practical perspectives on reporting launch
Too long? Too boring? Read by nobody? A thankless task? Too many reports attract descriptions like these. But when done well, the annual report is the vital calling card of a listed company. It’s in the doing it well that many companies get stuck. How should a report be put together and what should it say? What are the secrets to producing what’s often the first port of call for investors, and increasingly, other stakeholders?