CGI News
The 2022 Mindful Exclusion Report: Further insights on effective governance in uncertain times
In a new report out yesterday from The Chartered Governance UK & Ireland and the Centre for Synchronous Leadership (CSL), we explore how decision-making has changed in the past year, get more concrete in exploring the dividend of engaging in mindful practices and highlight specific trends and areas of concern that warrant attention for the year ahead.

CGI News
CGIUKI Annual Conference 2023 – Day Two
The second day of our annual conference looked to the future: how organisations are going to change in response to burgeoning technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI); the impact of shifting work attitudes; and further strengthening the obligations organisations have to people and the planet.

CGI News
Sports Governance Academy unveils new Board Development Fund
The Sports Governance Academy (SGA) has launched a new Board Development Fund focused on providing free development training to boost UK sporting organisations’ governance capabilities. Applications are now open, with the window closing on 4 August.

CGI News
What are the latest proposed updates to the UK Corporate Code?
In May 2023, the Financial Reporting Council (FRC) initiated a consultation on proposed revisions to the UK Corporate Governance Code (the Code). This came a year after the government recommended measures to rebuild confidence in governance, reporting, and auditing.