Guidance Note
Changing academy trust articles of association: A how to guide
This guidance note provides a step-by-step approach for academy trusts to amend their articles. It covers the legislative issues affecting academy trusts derived by education, charity and company law and the oversight bodies with an interest in the regulation of academy trusts (as exempt charities and companies limited by guarantee).

Guidance Note
Specimen letter to be sent on appointment to a trustee and director of an academy
This guidance note offers the company secretary of an academy, which will also be a charitable company limited by guarantee, an outline of the information that should be considered when dealing with the change of trustee, director and governor.

Guidance Note
Specimen induction pack for academy trustees/directors
It is unrealistic for each and every trustee/director/governor to be fully versed with the issues facing the academy at their first board meeting, but each trustee/director/governor should be working towards gaining that comprehensive knowledge. The induction pack is just one method in which necessary information can be imparted.

Guidance Note
Change of member: a specimen checklist for company secretaries in academy trusts
This guidance note offers the company secretary of an academy, registered as a charitable company limited by guarantee, an outline of the information that should be considered when dealing with a change of an academy member who is also a trustee/director.