Author: Cecile Gillard
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Publication date: January 2019 | ISBN: 9781860727610
Charity Checklists is our easy-to-use guide to key areas of charity administration and regulatory compliance. Using a clear step-by-step approach, taking you through a range of common processes, it will transform the way your charity operates in its everyday tasks.
This updated edition covers material on:
Each checklist includes an introduction and explanation, identifies the key points to consider and sets out the procedure in a series of straightforward steps. It is an invaluable and essential resource for anyone involved in the day-to-day running of a charity.
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'The Charity Checklists (2nd edition) by Cecille Gillard includes material on:
This is a handy reference for charity secretaries, clerks to trustee boards, charity trustees, voluntary and honorary officers of charities, chairs and treasurers, professional advisers, charity CEOs and senior managers, governors, bursars and other senior managers of charitable schools.
The focus on procedures, filing requirements and accompanying notes makes it an accessible and easy to use document.
Cecile provides reminders that ensure that the vital roles of chair of trustees, and trustees are as effective and efficient as possible.
The checklist bring governance principles and key areas to life. Members’ association, members’ rights, duties and liabilities receive ample attention.
This publication would not be complete without a checklist for minutes.
The mention of People with significant control (PSCs) for companies raises awareness of this important requirement.
The checklist for websites is vital in this digital age.
I would highly recommend the Charity Checklists, 2nd Edition. It achieves what Cecile set out to do and much more!'
- Tesse Akpeki FCIS, Director of Tesse Akpeki Associates Ltd and Ralph Bell Prize Winner.